Poverty Resources

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Open Access Journals

As the Open Access movement in academic publishing continues to gather steam, more and more high-impact publications are available online without a subscription. These are the best of the bunch for poverty research.

  • RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences

    Publisher: The Russell Sage Foundation

    This brand new peer-reviewed journal is scheduled to release its first issue in 2015 and will be published by one of the oldest charities for addressing poverty in the United States.

  • International Journal for Equity in Health

    Publisher: BioMed Central

    This open-access publication offers a decent impact factor for its articles investigating disparities in health within and across different social groups and levels of economic attainment.

  • Poverty and Race

    Publisher: PRRAC

    This free bimonthly newsletter put together by the Poverty & Race Research Action Council features opinions, letters, and social science research concerning race and poverty in America.

  • Focus

    Publisher: Institute for Research on Poverty

    Based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Institute for Research on Poverty publishes this free journal twice a year with essays and research on poverty in America.

  • Infectious Diseases and Poverty

    Publisher: BioMed Central

    The vast majority of people affected by infectious diseases like malaria and TB live in extreme poverty. This open-access journal publishes new research on preventing and treating such diseases in the world’s poorest nations.


What is at the root of poverty? Who or what is responsible? And why have decades of effort and money failed to alleviate poverty in some areas, but succeeded in others? Explore the answers to these questions and more with these free course materials.

  • Refugee Health Care

    Among the poorest people in the world are refugees fleeing conflict of natural disaster. Ensuring their health is a monumental challenge. These readings and lecture slides show how it is done.

  • The Challenge of World Poverty

    With a collection of video lectures, this course from MIT focuses on the seemingly intractable problem of extreme global destitution, examining key questions about the role of capitalism and international aid.

  • Introduction to Poverty Studies

    With a collection of readings, slides, and videos, this course will take you through the essentials for understanding poverty abroad and in the United States, along with its major causes and consequences.

  • Capitalism: Success, Crisis, and Reform

    The vast majority of impoverished people today exist within a global capitalist system. Through this series of video lectures, you will explore the successes and shortcomings of the capitalist economy, and its potential for alleviating poverty.

Research Organizations

Despite billions of dollars in international aid and a decades-old “War of Poverty,” huge swaths of the population are still living on the bare minimum overseas and in the United States. These research organizations aim to unravel the mystery and provide workable solutions to poverty around the world.

  • Rural Policy Research Institute

    While urban poverty gets the most attention, seven million Americans suffer from poverty in rural areas. With substantial federal funding, the RPRI provides expertise and research for U.S. policymakers.

  • Innovations for Policy Action

    After decades of disappointing results with foreign aid, this nonprofit research group works around the world to uncover which approaches work and which don’t.

  • Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

    Originally started at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this independent organization has grown into a leader in poverty research and alleviation programs with offices in several countries.

  • National Poverty Research Centers

    With funding from the U.S. Department and Human Services, three academic organizations, the University of Wisconsin, the University of California-Davis, and Stanford University, host research organizations dedicated to understanding the causes and effects of poverty in America.

Professional Organizations

Eliminating poverty has proven to be one of the most difficult challenges of the modern era. These organization support the professionals who will make it happen.

Public Awareness Organizations

What is clear is that poverty is stubborn. Alleviating it will require understanding and involvement from citizens around the world. These organizations work to mobilize this support.

  • U.S. Aid

    The largest federal agency dedicated to combating poverty around the world through empowering women and connecting more people to the global economy.

  • Oxfam

    A leading international confederation of 17 nonprofit organizations working to relieve poverty throughout the world.

  • Mercy Corps

    This nonprofit works to help people who are struggling to get by in disaster and war zones, helping to provide basic services like shelter, food, and water.

  • LIFT

    This nonprofit organization works directly with struggling individuals across the United States, through job support, housing, and community assistance.

  • Jubilee USA

    A coalition of US religious organizations and overseas partners, this group works to help the destitute of the world and the United States through debt forgiveness programs.