Cancer Resources

Open Access Journals

While most scientific journals offer some of their articles for free, below you will find the highest impact journals covering cancer research that offer 100% of their content free of charge.

  • Cancer Science

    Publisher: Wiley

    The official journal of the Japanese Cancer Association, in these monthly issues you will find important research related to medical treatment for those who are already diagnosed with cancer.

  • Molecular Cancer

    Publisher: BioMed Central

    With a very respectable impact factor of 5.13, this journal publishes important findings from the technical, complicated worlds of cancer research and biomedical science.

  • Neoplasia

    Publisher: Elsevier

    This open access monthly publication publishes important findings related to all areas of oncology research.

  • Breast Cancer Research

    Publisher: BioMed Central

    Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death for women in the United States. This reputable journal boasts a high impact factor of 5.87 and publishes all of its research open access.

  • PLOS Genetics

    Publisher: PLOS

    The study of genetics holds great potential for helping us better understand cancer. This respected, high-impact journal offers all of its content open-access, with many articles covering things like the subtleties of genetics or cancer research.


Freshen up on fundamentals and keep abreast of the latest developments with these free course materials from the world’s top universities.

  • Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering

    Biomedical engineering may hold the keys to the next generation of cancer treatments. Understand this revolutionary new field through readings and audio lectures, many of which deal directly with cancer.

  • Genetics

    Genetics is on the forefront of cancer research. These readings and lecture notes should provide a solid start to understanding this revolutionary field.

  • Fundamentals of Oncology for Public Health Practitioners

    This free collection of readings and lecture slides provides a good overview of cancer treatment and prevention approaches for students familiar with the basics of medicine.

  • Cancer Biology: From Basic Research to the Clinic

    Dive into the molecular and cellular events behind cancer with these free course materials from MIT. A thorough background in biology is probably required to follow the readings.

Research Organizations

Given the prevalence of cancer in the modern world, there is no shortage of research dedicated to figuring out and stopping this intractable killer. Just about every major research university has teams of scientists dedicated to finding better treatments and even a cure. Below are some of the largest cancer research organization outside the major universities.

  • Cancer Research Foundation

    Founded in 1954, this not-for-profit organization is dedicated to funding the most promising research in experimental “long-shot” innovations for cancer treatment.

  • National Cancer Institute

    The leading cancer organization for the U.S. government, the NCI had an annual budget of $5.1 billion in 2010 for conducting and fostering research.

  • Fred Hutchinson Center for Cancer Research

    With a budget of over 400 million, this nonprofit research institute is one of the world’s leading organizations in the fight against cancer, focusing on prevention, detection, and treatment.

  • Cancer Research UK

    This UK-based research organization has been supporting cancer research for over a century and today funds clinical trials and new drugs for over 200 different types of cancers.

  • Cancer Research Institute

    This nonprofit is dedicated entirely to research that harnesses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer, a promising field called “Immunotherapy.”

Professional Organizations

With the World Health Organization predicting cancer rates to surge 70% by 2034, there will continue to be a dire urge for professionals who specialize in treating cancer. The organizations below work to ensure quality and professionalism in cancer care.

Public Awareness Organizations

Defeating cancer will require a monumental human effort. This is where public awareness organizations come in, raising money and support for doctors, scientists, and patients alike. Below are some of the most prominent organizations in the United States.

  • Lung Cancer Alliance

    Lung cancer kills far more American than any other type of cancer. The Lung Cancer Alliance aims to reduce the number of deaths to a third through funding for research and public awareness.

  • Prostate Cancer Foundation

    Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S., along with breast and lung cancer. This organization is the world’s leading fundraiser for prostate cancer research, having raised over $500 million since 1993.

  • Livestrong Foundation

    Founded by famous cyclist and cancer survivor, Lance Armstrong, the Livestrong Foundation primarily provides support for cancer sufferers. The organization is well know for popular yellow bracelet fundraising campaign.

  • Susan G. Komen

    Behind the phenomenally popular pink ribbon campaign, this Texas-based nonprofit is the most widely known breast cancer charity and awareness organization in the U.S.

  • National Breast Cancer Foundation

    This organization focuses on preventing breast cancer in women through raising awareness and promoting regular mammograms.

  • American Cancer Society

    With over 900 offices in the United States, The American Cancer Society is one of the largest organizations dedicated to cancer advocacy and research.

  • Friends of Cancer Research

    The leading advocacy organization for cancer patients, Friends of Cancer Research works in Washington, DC to get cancer research the funding and support it needs.

  • American Association for Cancer Research

    Founded in 1907, the AACR supports both patients and medical professionals through promoting science education, research, prevention, and early diagnosis. The organization has over 34,000 members.